================ linuxconsole.net ================ Welcome. This site is dedicated to using computers only through the console[x02] of Linux systems without any graphical display environments. Like this[x03]. If you're just intersted in terminal programs you can find some useful information here as well. This site is updated periodically. To see what was updated since the last time you've visited checkout the git[x01] history. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This site has been optimized for w3m 0.5.3 or above. Tor mirror: lnxconsy6dq6aqzopz7gpphil3uhmjyz43qqnxajoqmildob4oowjxad.onion Everything published under the linuxconsole.net domain is licensed with WTFPL[x00] v2 licence with no warranties whatsoever. [x00]:http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying [x01]:./repos.html [x02]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_console [x03]:./files/linux_console.png